
Transmission of respiratory diseases: let's change the paradigm!

History shows that respiratory infections are not a fatality. It is a problem that can be treated by a reasoned action in terms of air quality.

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on 08/11/22

When will we see a French-style Clean Air in Buildings Challenge?

The pandemic has put air quality under the microscope of many scientific teams, calling on governments to take action.
Yes, you read that right: Clean Air in Buildin...

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Air quality: a widely threatened "species

As they become more frequent, more intense and longer lasting, fires and climatic incidents are not without risk for air quality.

Heat waves, fires, floods...

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5 figures to take the temperature of occupational health

As the season of colds and other viruses approaches, we have an opportunity to take stock of (the) health of the workplace.

Each new school year brings its share of novelties. This one is no exception...

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Who is afraid of quiet firing?

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Watch the replay of our webinar of 7 April!

On 7 April, our first webinar "A healthy mind in a healthy office: post-covid issues" took place.
Marianne Fougère, moderator and freelance journalist, was able to discuss the...

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Watch the replay of our webinar of 16 June!

On 16 June, our second webinar "Engagement and QWL: Innovating to attract, retain and perform" took place.
Marianne Fougère, moderator and freelance journalist was able to discuss about the...

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Is coworking dead? Long live well working!

The new workplaces are redoubling their imagination and services to attract workers. Sometimes to the point of forgetting that luxury depends above all on the quality of the air.
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Blue Sun x Success Seeds

Thank you to Nadia and Kamel for trusting us and taking the plunge to improve the air quality of the amazing students at their training centre Seeds of Success 

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5 figures that show that we need a change of scenery.

Rarely has the desire to go elsewhere been so strong as since the beginning of the health crisis. What if we literally started by changing our air?

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Big resignation: the expectations of the remaining employees.

The fifth wave of Covid-19 is barely behind us, but another one is already on the way. Where is it coming from? The American coast, where an unprecedented wave of departures has been raging since last summer...

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Employees still believe in the office. But which office are we talking about? And why go back to it? 5 ways to make the office even more attractive.
There is no longer any need to confine work to the...

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12 items

Latest articles

Transmission of respiratory diseases: let's change the paradigm!

08 Nov 2022

History shows that respiratory infections are not a fatality. It is a problem that can be treated by a reasoned action in terms of air quality.

Would you send your children to school?

When will we see a French-style Clean Air in Buildings Challenge?

30 Sep 2022

The pandemic has put air quality under the microscope of many scientific teams, calling on governments to take action.
Yes, you read that right: Clean Air in Buildin...

Air quality: a widely threatened "species

22 Sep 2022

As they become more frequent, more intense and longer lasting, fires and climatic incidents are not without risk for air quality.

Heat waves, fires, floods...


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